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            NewsHome > News > Industry dynamics

            The role of concrete additives in improving concrete sliding form construction
            release time:2019-11-21 10:29:58      hit count:2070

            In the concrete slipform construction operation, the quality of the concrete directly affects the molding of the slipform construction, so what role does the concrete additive play in improving the performance of the concrete slipform construction? Here Xuzhou New Road Technology will introduce you to everyone:

                (1) It can reduce the water consumption of concrete. Or increase the water flow to increase the fluidity of concrete.

                (2) The concrete setting time can be adjusted.

                (3) Reduce bleeding and segregation. Improve workability and water washability.

                (4) It can reduce the slump loss and increase the pumpability of pumped concrete.

                (5) It can reduce shrinkage. Adding expansion agent can also compensate for shrinkage.

                (6) Delay the initial hydration heat of concrete. Reduce the temperature rise rate of mass concrete and reduce the occurrence of cracks.

                (7) Improve the early strength of concrete and prevent freezing under negative temperature.

                (8) Improve the strength and increase the frost resistance, impermeability, abrasion resistance and corrosion resistance.

                (9) Control alkali-aggregate reaction. Prevent steel corrosion and reduce chloride ion diffusion.

                After adding concrete additives to concrete, some can adsorb on the surface of cement particles to form an adsorption film, which changes the potential; some will destroy the flocculation structure and improve the stability of the cement diffusion system; some can form a macromolecular structure and change the cement particles. The state of adsorption of the surface; some will reduce the surface tension and surface energy of the water.


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