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            NewsHome > News > Company news

            New Road Edge Sliding Form Machine Shares the Selection of Additives in Mass Concrete Construction
            release time:2019-3-28 15:40:38      hit count:1839

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            Before construction, concrete mix proportion test should be done well and admixtures should be selected. In construction, accurate measurement is required, proportioning is strictly in accordance with the mix proportion notification sheet, and mixing is sufficient, especially the dosage of admixtures and water should be strictly controlled. It is especially emphasized that the selection of admixtures is very important for the control of concrete cracks.

            In today's concrete construction, admixture has become one of the essential components. In mass concrete construction, the main additives involved are water reducing agent, retarder, early strength agent, antifreeze agent and so on. Adding admixtures plays a very good role in crack control of mass concrete construction. For example, in order to prevent frost cracking, antifreeze agent can be added; retarder can be added to delay the initial setting time of concrete; expansion agent can be added to compensate the shrinkage of concrete and so on.

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