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            NewsHome > News > Company news

            Sliding Form Manufacturer Introduces Small Knowledge about High Pressure Grouting Machine for You
            release time:2019-3-28 15:42:50      hit count:1875

            High-pressure grouting machine and double-liquid grouting machine are both a form of grouting machine. High-pressure grouting machine is a kind of specialized machine used for high-pressure chemical grouting of structure. It uses single-liquid chemical grouting material. It has ultra-high pressure without air pressure source and is fast in construction. Dual-fluid grouting machine is widely used in tunnel, mine working face grouting water plugging; rock roadway and concrete wall grouting water plugging; tunnel cracks, broken rock mass, reinforcement of evacuated rock; anchoring grouting; backfilling grouting and preventing surface subsidence, preventing landslides, correcting building deflection grouting and so on.

            If you want to know the price of sliding-form machine, sliding-form machine and sliding-form paver, you can find Xuzhou New Road Margin Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.

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